bi�ki�ni; (bi k�'n�) noun., pl. -nis.  1. A very brief close-fitting. two piece bathing suit for women.  2. A very brief close-fitting bathing suit for men  3. Often; bikinis. underwear briefs fitted low on the hip [1945-50]- bi�ki�nied /-nEd/ adjective

Well that is how Webster's Defines it, But to most males it means a lot more.  Those of us who live in the Northern Part of the Northern Hemisphere look toward spring as the sign that Bikini weather will be just around the corner.

On these pages, you will see no real nudity, only implied.  There are extremely revealing Bikinis, A few One Piece Swim Suits, and some Lingerie Pic's.  I have tried to keep everything tasteful, high quality, and above all, inoffensive.  If the sight of these type of graphics offends you, then I would suggest that you go somewhere else.

All images posted here or at this website have been collected from a wide number of sources on the internet, including but not limited to other free sites, newsgroups and other sources and are believed to be in the "public domain". If you are the rightful owner of any photo or graphic posted here and object to them being displayed, please contact me with the gallery number and image in the form of filename.ext and it will be removed promptly. 
                                                                  Thank you

Now, On to the Pic's

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